Screenshot 2020-12-04 at 12.35.40.png
  Cerastium fontanum NS6056 06Jul2013 PW

Cerastium fontanum NS6056 06Jul2013 PW

  Cerastium fontanum NS6056 06Jul2013 PW

Cerastium fontanum NS6056 06Jul2013 PW

  Cerastium fontanum NS6056 06Jul2013 PW

Cerastium fontanum NS6056 06Jul2013 PW

  Cerastium fontanum NS6056 06Jul2013 PW

Cerastium fontanum NS6056 06Jul2013 PW

  Cerastium fontanum NS6273 20Apr2019 PW

Cerastium fontanum NS6273 20Apr2019 PW

  C. glomeratum  is on the right and  C. fontanum  is on the left.   Cerastium glomeratum and fontanum NS6066 15Apr2017 PW

C. glomeratum is on the right and C. fontanum is on the left.

Cerastium glomeratum and fontanum NS6066 15Apr2017 PW

 It is an annual so most of the shoots end in flowers. The leaves are broader, rounder and brighter green than  C. fontanum.    Cerastium glomeratum NS6159 2April2021 PW

It is an annual so most of the shoots end in flowers. The leaves are broader, rounder and brighter green than C. fontanum.

Cerastium glomeratum NS6159 2April2021 PW

 The sepals are wholly green wut=rg red tips, There are hair projecting beyond the tips of the sepals and many are glandular.   Cerastium glomeratum NS5765 9Apr22 PW

The sepals are wholly green wut=rg red tips, There are hair projecting beyond the tips of the sepals and many are glandular.

Cerastium glomeratum NS5765 9Apr22 PW

  Cerastium glomeratum NS8048 17Apr2020 MP

Cerastium glomeratum NS8048 17Apr2020 MP

Screenshot 2020-06-13 at 14.35.37.png
  Cerastium tomentosum NT0233 02 June 2019 PW

Cerastium tomentosum NT0233 02 June 2019 PW

  Cerastium tomentosum NT0233 02 June 2019 PW

Cerastium tomentosum NT0233 02 June 2019 PW