Lamium species - Dead-nettles
The common name derives from the nettle-like leaves which do not sting. Like all dead nettles the stem is square, leaves are opposite.
Lamium album - White Dead-nettle
This perennial is taller to 60cm and has rhizomes or stolons. The white flower has a 2 -3 small teeth on the side of the lower lobe.
Lamium maculatum - Spotted Dead-nettle
This perennial is similar to L. album except it only has one tooth on the side of the lower lobe. The flower is red-purple but can be white. It can also have white blotches on the leaves.
All of the others in this family are smaller (25cm) and annuals. Often the flowers do not fully open
Lamium purpureum - Red Dead-nettle
All leaves ± stalked, and the upper leaves have flowers in axils. Leaves crenate / serrate with teeth < 2mm long.
Lamium hybridum - Cut-leaved Dead-nettle is similar to Lamium purpureum and occurs in similar waste-ground areas. The leaves are more toothed with teeth more than 2 mm in length.
Lamium amplexicaule - Henbit Dead-nettle
This is less common than the similar L. purpurea. but stem leaves are sessile and appear like a round collar or ruff round the stem, grouping in flat discs on the top of the stem. Calyx is densely white at flowering with ±patent/erect hairs. Flowers appear from the leaf axils and have a longer tube and often do not open. Lower lip of corolla <3mm. teeth are erect to converging at fruiting.
Lamium confertum Northern Dead-nettle
Like L. amplexicaule but more sturdy. Calyx 8-12mm at flowering ±appressed hairy. Lower lip of corolla >3mm. Calyx teeth are divergent at fruiting. (pictures to follow)